Production Line & Process Automation

8 Axis Index Type
- 60° rotating index type cylinder
- Using M1- 2 size tool type : facilitate changing model and maintaining precise production

30 Axis Palette Type
- Dedicated belt type tapping machine
- Processing drilling and tapping in sequence on jigs
- Increasing productivity up to 4 times comparing to normal CNC machines

Auto Bolt Insert Machine
- X,Y and Z servo-type bolt-inserting machine. (Simultaneously, at the same time)

Paint Process U Conveyer
- Paint-spraying line - conveyer for inspection, loading/unloading and jig assembling

Injection Insert Machine
- Facilitate changing models (automation of inserting)

Ultrasonic Washing Machine
- Removing foreign and process residual with mighty vibration in access of 25MHz
- Automated lines from bubble washing to drying in line

Dispensor Machine
- Dispensing fixed amount of gasket glue

with wision inspection
Auto assembly with vision inspection
- Auto generate QR codes and assemble printers and vision test equipment